Porous Asphalt

Effective Technology for Storm Water Management

What is it? Porous asphalt pavements were first developed in the late 1960’s by the Franklin Institute while under the U.S. environmental Protection Agency contract. In recent years, however, porous pavements have captured the attention of Ohio specifiers for their potential as an effective technology for storm water management. These pavements, used mostly for parking lots, allow water to drain through the pavement surface into a stone recharge bed and infiltrate into soils below the pavement.

With proper design and installation, porous pavement can provide cost-effective, attractive pavements with a life span of more than 20 years, and at the same time provide storm-water management systems that promote infiltration,improve water quality, and many times eliminate the need for a detention basin.


There are other environmental benefits to this type of pavement. Because of the open structure of the pavement, porous asphalt offers a “cooler” pavement choice. By replenishing water tables and aquifers rather than forcing rainfall into storm sewers, porous asphalt also helps to reduce demands on storm sewer systems. In areas where storm-sewer impact fees are imposed by local governments, such fees may be reduced by using porous asphalt.

Perrin asphalt is leading the industry in Northeast Ohio with this type of pavement. We have been working with asphalt producers, national and metro park districts implementing this type of pavement in their asphalt surfaces. Perrin has completed several projects in the 2010 season and anticipates a growing need for this type of pavement. Specifically, Perrin has provided porous asphalt services to Nordonia High School, Monroe Falls Metro Park and the National Park District among others. More information regarding the use and advantages of porous asphalt can be viewed in the Fall 2010 issue of Ohio Asphalt Magazine (page 8).

If you’re looking for a serious, dedicated paving contractor, you’re looking for Perrin Asphalt. Contact us now to take advantage of our expertise.

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